Giavent is an international company, operating with ingenuity, in the Oil & Gas and Alternative Energy sectors.
Organization, human capital, experience and innovation catalyze the needs of Public Companies and Private Companies committed to the effective implementation of large projects on Giavent.
A team of multidisciplinary engineering and experts follows the clients, step by step, starting with the base engineering, going through the selection of the most qualified providers, developing the detail engineering, from the project management to the start-up of the single units and the personal training. Everyting focused on the research of equal and smart balance of feature, costs, eco-friendly, quality, time and energy savings.
Thanks to the specific capabilities and experiences of the own management reached from projects throughout Italy and worldwide with the Government-owned Companies (as Libya – Mellitah Oil& Gas and Algeria – Sonatrach), as well as through commercial sinergies and cooperations with other groups, GIAVENT is able to develop and accomplish industrial projects with high engineering value.
Giavent è una società internazionale, operante con ingegno, nel settore del Oil & Gas e delle Energie Alternative.
Organizzazione, capitale umano, esperienza e innovazione, catalizzano su Giavent le esigenze di Public Company e Società Private impegnate alla efficace realizzazione di grandi progetti.
Un team d’ingegneria multidisciplinare e di esperti segue i clienti, step by step, dall’ingegneria di base, alla selezione dei fornitori più qualificati, allo sviluppo dell’ingegneria di dettaglio, dal project management allo start-up delle unità e al training del personale.
Grazie alle specifiche competenze ed esperienze del proprio management maturate in progetti in Italia e all’estero direttamente con le Government-owned Company, così come a sinergie ed alleanze commerciali con altri gruppi, Giavent è in grado di sviluppare e realizzare progetti industriali ad alto valore ingegneristico.